@eyechieftrees inner eatshit, ree, my left eardrum is still got a hole in it.. likely for the best. as for teethies, worse than courage the cowardly dog's teeth.. sometimes eat raw garlic for a time - usually impacted tooth, just got 'reseat' it away from the jaw and it works out
More than one surgery? Hope they worked out, fuck that trachea tube.. last one I had was discectomy/spinal cutting, in post-op the nurse checked me out, had about a dozen lil bleeders across my legs and mid-section.
Apparently (and not unexpectedly), right before the propol push, wanted to tell the team about my pervasive sinus infection... Anyway, woke up/became 'combative' sometime after they stuck the resistance needle/leads into me. They had to dust my airways w/ camphor or some shit to de-mucous my head. Mustsa put up a good fight to have tore at all those needles lol
and then the hospital forgot to pass along the surgeons pain med scrip, had to call him on sunday morning to call it into my local pharmacy. Took less than 2/3rds of the pills - good thing too, had a kidney stone not long after
So how you doin?
Fuck, I think you take the cake on this one. I had an oral surgery one February, and another surgery for a ruptured ear drum two years later to the date. I still suffer from hella vertigo but I’m still here :D
Hope you’re good too!