this was really funny, man. your art style is wicked and the joke was clearly there. you did a great job with this, not too long, and right to the point. I like it.
this was really funny, man. your art style is wicked and the joke was clearly there. you did a great job with this, not too long, and right to the point. I like it.
Thanks dude, I really appreciate it
The art style of this is amazing. Cant wait to see more.
damn dude, the fact that you built this around a siege conversation makes it that much better.
the animation is smooth and solid, and the sound quality is great for what it is. keep up the good work man.
Thanks a lot!
too noisy, like way too fuckin' loud.
the sound quality of the vices aren't fantastic.
you hurt my feelings.
Short and Sweet.
It was alright.
I really liked the animation of the two people, very good in my opinion.
And the music was soft and easy to listen to as well.
Short, sweet, to the point, and yet still amusing.
Good flash,
Thankyes very much ^^
You guys did great.
You fucking nailed it.
And how did I know something about GRANDMA was going to be in there?
Ace job, keep up the great work.
- kyle.
<3Kyle see you at the mall friday
Nice song.
It made me rofl and such.
Formerly kylexthexpostman, I just come here to dump my music into the portal every once in a while. you’d think by my post count I’m more active but I am not. don’t mind me.
Bob Saget. Fuck you.
Commercial Journeyma
What's a school?
Winnijkdjadsfjgna lglgnzz
Joined on 7/21/06